The list is not complete. You can suggest some additional useful words/expressions.
- actor/actress
- artist
- audience
- cast
- composer
- conductor
- director
- magician
- musician
- orchestra
- painter
- pianist
- playwright
- producer
- sculptor
- singer
- vocalist
- fiddler
Arts and Crafts
- carving
- drawing
- knitting
- painting
- pottery
- sculpture
- sewing
- ballet
- concert
- exhibition
- film
- play
- opera
- musical
- performance
- show
- ceremony
In the Theater
- aisle
- box
- circle
- curtain
- footlight
- stalls
- orchestra pit
- row
- screen
- scenery
- speaker
- stage
- wings
- backstage
- art gallery
- cinema
- concert hall
- exhibition center
- museum
- pub
- opera house
- stadium
- theater
- box office
- restaurant
- circus
- zoo
- café
- night club
- fan-fair/amusement park
- library
- applaud
- boo
- conduct
- exhibit
- community
- recommend
- impact
- opportunity
- carousel
- perform
- play (a part)
- rehersal
- standing ovation
- box office hit
- flick through the channels
- remote control
- call in
- exciting storyline
- sitcom
- channel surfing
- couch potato
- obesity
- ads/adverts/advertisements
- romcom
- good script
- brilliant acting
- happy ending
- documentary
- cartoon
- witty dialogues
- romance
- amazing scenery
- awards
- Oscar nomination
- adventure film
- action
- science fiction
- star-studded cast
- scary movie
- author
- short story
- fairy tale
- autobiography
- pseudoname
- novel
- non-fiction
- hard-cover book
- based on
- be a keen reader
- spine-chilling
- warming
- jerking
- thought-provoking
- gripping
- touching
- fascinating
- thrilling
- disguisting
- Do you feel like going out?
- Fancy going for something to eat?
- What about watching the Star Wars episode?
- Why don’t we go to the theatre?
- Lets get a takeaway. What about some Indian?
- Do you feel like dancing tonight?
- Shall we watch Tv?